
New Bosnian Factory and Office Under Construction
Eagle Technology Bosnia's new factory and office in Žepče is well under way in the process...
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Delivery of NH3 Heat Pump to Knarvik Elementary School in Bergen, Norway
Eagle Technology is proud with assigment of contract for delivery of NH3 heat pump to Knarvik...
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Corporation Agreement with Smed Engineering Signed
Eagle Technology and Smed Engineering signed a corporate agreement 17th of April. This cooperation will give both...
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Delegation from Eagle Technology Visits Bosnian Embassy
Eagle Technology and Smed Engineering visited the Norwegian embassy in Sarajevo together Monday april 16th....
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Successfully Standardized Range of Trolleys
In close corporation with Grimstål Produkter, Eagle Technology has developed standardized trolleys specifically targeted towards...
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ITDU Test Facilities Running at Averøya
Rena Quality Group has with economical support from Innovasjon Norge og Forskningsrådet developed a brand...
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