ISO 1090-1
Certificate of conformit of the Factory Production Control (FPC). Structural Steel Components up to EXC 3 acc. to EN 1090-2. For strucutural use in all type of construction works. Production process: Cutting, punching, forming, welding, mechanical connections, mounting and corrosion protection.
Eagle Technology shall have a human resources policy that contributes to the company’s goals, safety, and well-being in the workplace, and provide development opportunities for the individual employee.
No employee shall experience discrimination on the basis of race, gender, religion or spirituality, and we shall treat each other with respect and trust.
The motto of Eagle Technology, “Clean Future is Our Business,” represents the company’s commitment to environmental sustainability and its dedication to making a positive impact on the planet. This motto reflects the core values and principles that guide the company’s operations, projects, products, and client interactions.
The code of conduct is a part of, and must be seen in context with, other documents within the company’s HSEQ. Documents such as notifications, conflict management, harassment and bullying, guidelines for the use of drugs and gambling, crisis management, etc.
Eagle’s “Personalhåndbok” is an integrated part of the company’s HSEQ-documentation, and shall be a living document, present in all departments of the company and further developed in collaboration with employee representatives in the AMU when it’s needed. It will ensure fair treatment that remains in line with corporate guidelines.
It is a prerequisite that each employee is “fit for his/her work”, this implies for example that one possesses the necessary certificates/approvals, is reliable and appears professionally to customers, suppliers, and colleagues. Employment relationship may be affected if an employee causes an accident or is being investigated or prosecuted for criminal matters by the authorities, especially if the matter is of nature that the employee’s necessary credibility and/or reliability fade.
Governance documents, procedures, instructions, and procedures are available to all employees by paper or electronically.
Eagle Technology enjoys a good reputation with their employees, suppliers, contractors, clients and other stakeholders connected to us.
I hereby certify that Eagle Technology AS and its subsidiaries work and act in According to the UN Global Compact of 2009, its 10 principles.
In order to succeed, every company is dependent on good relations with its interested parties. For Eagle, this is also a decisive success factor.
Our Quality Policy is our guidline for implementation of quality in everything we do.
Our HSE Policy underlines Eagle Technology’s obligation to protect life, health, and the environment.
Eagle Technology acts in accordance with the Norwegian Transparency Act.